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Why is My Chicken Eye Closed: 10+ Reasons and Tips

When it comes to the intriguing world of chickens, one particular aspect that piques curiosity is the phenomenon of a closed eye. While chickens are known for their distinctive appearance and behaviors, observing a chicken with its eye closed raises questions about the reasons behind this seemingly unusual occurrence. Chickens, like many other animals, possess …

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Do Cockatiels Forage? [3 Advantages]

In the wild most parrot spend about 40%-70% of their time foraging or simply looking for food. An opportunity most pet parrots do not get. Are you wondering whether your cockatiel can forage and how to encourage it to forage? This article answers that very question. Do Cockatiels Forage? Like most parrots, cockatiels like to …

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Why is My Cockatiel Eating so Much?[4 Reasons]

Are you wondering why your cockatiels appetite has increased all of a sudden? Well, read on to understand what causes this change of behavior. Why is my cockatiel eating so much? Cockatiels or other parrots, in general, will eat so much due to boredom, malnutrition or malabsorption, poor diet, and hormones. An adult cockatiel should …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Bell Peppers? [ Benefits Plus Feeding Guide]

Giving vegetables to your cockatiel can help provide a balanced diet. Some vegetables can even help treat malnutrition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals. Below are the results of research I did to find out the benefits of feeding bell peppers to your tiel. Can cockatiels eat bell peppers? Cockatiels can eat all …

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Can Cockatiels Eat Zucchini? Pros and Cons

Vegetables, greens, and fruits should form an important part of a cockatiel’s daily diet. In fact, specialists recommend that a tiels 20-25% daily diet should be made of veggies, fruits, or greens. Can cockatiels eat Zucchini? Cockatiels can eat zucchini. It will provide cockatiels with vitamins and minerals plus some antioxidants that boost cockatiel’s immune …

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What Cockatiels Should Not Eat? [15 Toxic Foods To Avoid]

Knowing what to feed and what not to feed to your cockatiel can help prevent food poisoning. While there are a variety of foods that can be comfortably fed to cockatiels, there are some foods that you should never feed your tiel. Below is a detailed list of the food that you should avoid. What …

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What Fruit And Vegetables Can Cockatiels Eat? [32 Examples]

We have compiled a list of veggies and fruits that are safe to feed to a cockatiel. What fruits and vegetables can cockatiels eat? Fruits and vegetables that are safe for cockatiels to eat include bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries, nectarines, apricots, pears, peaches, mangoes, papayas, kiwis, guavas, cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapples, plum, raspberry, blueberry, and orange. …

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